Cobalt Research

Saving clinicians’ time by delegating routine aspects of therapy to a computer: a randomized controlled trial in phobia/panic disorder

Marks IM, Kenwright M, McDonough M, Whittaker M, Mataix-Cols D.

The Feasibility and Effectiveness of Computer-Guided CBT (FearFighter) in a Rural Area

Linda Hayward, Alastair D. MacGregor, David F. Peck and Peter Wilkes

Computer-aided vs. tutor-delivered teaching of exposure therapy for phobia/panic: Randomized controlled trial with pre-registration nursing students

L. Gega, I.J. Norman, I.M. Marks

Computer-aided CBT self-help for anxiety and depressive disorders: Experience of a London clinic and future directions

Lina Gega, Isaac Marks, David Mataix-Cols

Internet-Guided Self-Help with or without Exposure Therapy for Phobic and Panic Disorders

Andreas J. Schneider, David Mataix-Cols, Isaac M. Marks, Martin Bachofen

Logging on for Better Sleep: RCT of the Effectiveness of Online Treatment for Insomnia

Norah Vincent, PhD and Samantha Lewycky, MA

Logging on for nodding off: Empowering individuals to improve their sleep

Norah Vincent

Computer-based psychological treatment for comorbid depression and problematic alcohol and/or cannabis use: a randomized controlled trial of clinical efficacy

Frances J. Kay-Lambkin, Amanda L. Baker, Terry J. Lewin, Vaughan J. Carr

Computer-Aided psychotherapy for anxiety disorders: A meta-analytic review

Cuijpers, P., Marks, I.M., Straten, A. van, Cavanagh, K, Gega, L., Andersson, G.

Meta-analysis of computer-aided psychotherapy: Problems and Partial Solutions

Marks, I.M., Cuijpers, P. Cavanagh, K, Straten, A. van, Gega, L., Andersson, G.

Computer-Aided Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Baer L, Greist J, Marks IM

Computer-Aided Self-Exposure Therapy for Phobia/Panic Disorder: A Pilot Economic Evaluation

McCrone, Paul1; Marks, Isaac; Mataix-Cols, David; Kenwright, Mark; McDonough, Michael

Attrition and adherence in the online treatment of chronic insomnia

Hebert EA, Vincent N, Lewycky S, Walsh K.

Are personality dimensions associated with sleep length in a large nationally representative sample?

Norah Vincent, Brian Cox and Ian Clara

Reading about… self-help books for phobias and panic disorder

Miquel A. Fullana, Isaac M. Marks

Mental Health Clinics in the 21st Century

Isaac Marks

Self-help for phobias and panic disorders

Miquel A. Fullana, Isaac M. Marks

Randomized controlled trial of cognitive–behavioural therapy for coexisting depression and alcohol problems: short-term outcome

Amanda L. Baker, David J. Kavanagh, Frances J. Kay-Lambkin, Sally A. Hunt, Terry J. Lewin, Vaughan J. Carr, Jennifer Connolly

An improved brief measure of cannabis misuse: The Cannabis Use Disorders Identification Test-Revised (CUDIT-R)

Simon J. Adamson, Frances J. Kay-Lambkin, Amanda L. Baker, Terry J. Lewin, Louise Thornton, Brian J. Kelly and J. Douglas Sellman

The long and the short of treatments for alcohol or cannabis misuse among people with severe mental disorders

Amanda Baker, Alyna Turner, Frances J. Kay-Lambkin and Terry J. Lewin

Stepping through treatment: Reflections on an adaptive treatment strategy among methamphetamine users with depression

Frances J. Kay-Lambkin, Amanda L. Baker, Rebecca McKetin, Nicole Lee

Information technology can pull mental health care into the 21st century

Isaac Marks

Teaching medical students exposure therapy for phobia/panic – randomized, controlled comparison of face-to-face tutorial in small groups vs. solo computer instruction

Michael McDonough, Isaac M Marks

Psychotherapy by computer: A postal survey of responders to a teletext article

Candida Graham, Locum Consultant Psychiatrist and Abigail Franses, Research Associate Mark Kenwright, Nurse Therapist and Isaac Marks, Professor of Experimental Psychotherapy

The maturing of therapy: Some brief psychotherapies help anxiety/depressive disorders but mechanisms of action are unclear

Isaac M. Marks, FRCPsych

Computer-Aided Psychological Treatments: Evolving Issues

Isaac Marks, Kate Cavanagh

Screening People With Anxiety/Depression for Suitability for Guided Self-help

Lina Gega, Mark Kenwright, David Mataix-Cols, Rachel Cameron and Isaac M. Marks