Marks IM, Kenwright M, McDonough M, Whittaker M, Mataix-Cols D.
The Feasibility and Effectiveness of Computer-Guided CBT (FearFighter) in a Rural Area
Linda Hayward, Alastair D. MacGregor, David F. Peck and Peter Wilkes
L. Gega, I.J. Norman, I.M. Marks
Lina Gega, Isaac Marks, David Mataix-Cols
Internet-Guided Self-Help with or without Exposure Therapy for Phobic and Panic Disorders
Andreas J. Schneider, David Mataix-Cols, Isaac M. Marks, Martin Bachofen
Logging on for Better Sleep: RCT of the Effectiveness of Online Treatment for Insomnia
Norah Vincent, PhD and Samantha Lewycky, MA
Logging on for nodding off: Empowering individuals to improve their sleep
Frances J. Kay-Lambkin, Amanda L. Baker, Terry J. Lewin, Vaughan J. Carr
Computer-Aided psychotherapy for anxiety disorders: A meta-analytic review
Cuijpers, P., Marks, I.M., Straten, A. van, Cavanagh, K, Gega, L., Andersson, G.
Meta-analysis of computer-aided psychotherapy: Problems and Partial Solutions
Marks, I.M., Cuijpers, P. Cavanagh, K, Straten, A. van, Gega, L., Andersson, G.
Computer-Aided Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Computer-Aided Self-Exposure Therapy for Phobia/Panic Disorder: A Pilot Economic Evaluation
McCrone, Paul1; Marks, Isaac; Mataix-Cols, David; Kenwright, Mark; McDonough, Michael
Attrition and adherence in the online treatment of chronic insomnia
Hebert EA, Vincent N, Lewycky S, Walsh K.
Are personality dimensions associated with sleep length in a large nationally representative sample?
Norah Vincent, Brian Cox and Ian Clara
Reading about… self-help books for phobias and panic disorder
Miquel A. Fullana, Isaac M. Marks
Mental Health Clinics in the 21st Century
Isaac Marks
Self-help for phobias and panic disorders
Miquel A. Fullana, Isaac M. Marks
Amanda Baker, Alyna Turner, Frances J. Kay-Lambkin and Terry J. Lewin
Frances J. Kay-Lambkin, Amanda L. Baker, Rebecca McKetin, Nicole Lee
Information technology can pull mental health care into the 21st century
Michael McDonough, Isaac M Marks
Psychotherapy by computer: A postal survey of responders to a teletext article
Computer-Aided Psychological Treatments: Evolving Issues
Screening People With Anxiety/Depression for Suitability for Guided Self-help
Lina Gega, Mark Kenwright, David Mataix-Cols, Rachel Cameron and Isaac M. Marks