Substance Abuse Treatment | Shade Cobalt

SHADE™ CBT for alcohol use, drug use and depression:

SHADE is a ten week program that has been studied in
randomized, controlled trials and published in the field’s leading journal (Addiction) in 2009.
The program has been demonstrated to significantly reduce substance use, drinking, binge drinking,
hazardous use and depression. SHADE has been implemented at leading centers in the United States
and internationally to enhance outcomes and improve standardization of care.

The SHADE program was developed by Dr. Frances Kay-Lambkin and Prof. Amanda Baker.

Awards and Press

National Drug and Alcohol Award: “Excellence in Research 2009”

Mental Health Matters “Research and Evaluation Award 2009”

Australian Institute of Policy and Science (AIPS) “2010 Science Award”

“…the the first evidence-based computerised treatment to be developed and tested for treating both
disorders within the one treatment package.”

Rising Star Award: “Newcastle Innovation 2010”